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News-institute RSS
26 March 2018 Dmitrii V.Chizhov was awarded by the diploma in the nomination “Best public analytical report”.

23th of March the project “ The Internet communication of Russian political parties” was  implemented in Russian Institute for Advanced Study. This project was marked by honorary diploma of National award of the Russian Association of political consultants  “The choice&rd

Administrator 9390
29 November 2017 Научно-методическая сессия ученых – международных экспертов в МПГУ 29.11.2017 и открытая лекция академика РАН Роберта Нигматулина

29 ноября 2017 года в рамках выполнения Институтом перспективных исследований (ИПИ) проектов программы Евросоюза Эразмус+ Erasmaus+/ Jean Monnet ("Научная политика центрально-е

Administrator 9040
17 December 2017 14 декабря 2015 года был организован однодневный подготовительный семинар по планированию реализации Жан Монне проекта «Визуализация европейских идей»

14 декабря 2015 года был организован однодневный подготовительный семинар по планированию реализации Жан Монне проекта «Визуализация европейских идей», на кот

Administrator 8670
16 November 2016 The delegation of Moscow State Pedagogical University visited Budapest. Where the members of this delegation took part in realization of European grant program Erasmus+ Jean Monnet.

This visit is included in huge program of cultural, educational and scientific-research affairs which are scheduled during 2016-2017 under two projects of Erasmus+ “Enlargement Laboratory: EU Values and their Effects on New Member States in the Research and Innovation Sector”...

Administrator 10740
07 July 2016 Summer school Jean Monnet

MSPU students open their own Europe! Summer school of European programm Erasmus+ of Jean Monnet project: "Open your own Europe" starts its work in Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Administrator 7730
11 August 2015 LONG-LIST: The results of the peer review of applications for Research Funding Competition 2015-2016. Russian Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities 2015-2016, Moscow

Summarizing the results of Stage 1 individual expert evaluation the following 40 applications from 14 countries (LONG LIST) are recommended for consideration by the RIAS Expert Commission (Stage 2)

Administrator 10120
23 July 2015 RIAS 3rd International Grants Competition Program Closing Ceremony

July 23, 2015 there was held a closing ceremony of the 3rd International Grants Competition Program at Russian Institute for Advanced Study Sholokhov University.

Administrator 9510
22 July 2015 The seminar "Life strategies and social practices of active longevity"

July 22, 2015 the academic talk and seminar, delivered by PhD in Political Sciences Dmitry V. Chizhov, was held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study (RIAS) Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities.

Administrator 8640
20 July 2015 Strategies of active longevity discussed at Central Federal District Interregional Forum

A senior fellow of Russian Institute for Advanced Study Sholokhov University Dmitry Chizhov spoke with a report at the Open inter-regional forum "Life strategies and social practices of active longevity of Russian senior citizens of (third age)". The event took...

Administrator 8740
03 July 2015 The seminar "Turkic corpus linguistics and computer lexicography"

July 03, 2015 The academic talk and seminar, delivered by Selendili Lemara, was held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study (RIAS) Sholokhov University.

Administrator 8220
02 July 2015 The academic talk and seminar 'Deleuze and Russian cinema'

July 02, 2015 Sholokhov University hosted the Academic Talk and Seminar, delivered by Sergey A. Toimentsev "Deleuze and Russian Cinema: Philosophical Aspects of Cinematography in a Totalitarian State"

Administrator 7500
02 July 2015 Report by Vladimir Nechaev at the Ministry of Education Council for Science

June 23, 2015 there was held the regular meeting of the Council for Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation under the chairmanship of RAS Academician A.R. Khokhlov, with the involvement of Deputy Minister L.M....

Administrator 8170
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