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Apply forFellowship


Dear participants of Call for applications of The Russian Institute for Advanced Study (RIAS) Fellowship Programme!We inform you that selection Committee will take place on 16th of August 2019.Final results with the list of laureates will be published on our web-site at the end of August.Those participants who received the letter from the Head of support scientific  programes department Elena Ziganchina passed the first stage of the contest. Please follow the information on our web-site. After the publishing of final results, each laureate will receive the official invitation letter from MSPU for taking part in Fellowship Programme in RIAS for 3 months. The Programme starts on 15th of September 2019.If you have any changes in your plans and schedules we kindly ask you to inform us within 15.08.2019.Thank you for your participation.


Dear colleagues!

We offer a unique opportunity to take part in the development of a virtual scientific platform.
Our task is to help create a comfortable scientific environment and provide an opportunity for free access to information.
We are supposed to publish interesting scientific articles, videos of the best scientific lectures and seminars.
Also we offer all scientists interested in obtaining individual grants for research in the humanities to take part in the competition of scientific grants IAS-MSPU.


Russian Institute for Advanced Study (RIAS)

Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS) was established in 2012 by the Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities and has been functioning with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation.

The foundation of the RIAS has become a part of strategic development program of the Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities.

RIAS mission is the support of innovative research in interdisciplinary fields assuming synthesis of different branches of social and humanitarian knowledge and exact and natural sciences.
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Research funding (grants) in 2015-2016. Russian Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities 2015-2016, Moscow

Dear colleagues,
Call for grants contest bids for carrying out research, housed by the Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS) Sholokhov University 2015-2016, will end.
The contest results will be announced after July 30, 2015.
[ more... ]

News and activities of the InstituteRSS
29 November 2017 Научно-методическая сессия ученых – международных экспертов в МПГУ 29.11.2017 и открытая лекция академика РАН Роберта Нигматулина

29 ноября 2017 года в рамках выполнения Институтом перспективных исследований (ИПИ) проектов программы Евросоюза Эразмус+ Erasmaus+/ Jean Monnet ("Научная политика центрально-европейских стран-членов ЕС и России: общее прошлое - общие вызовы") в МПГУ проходила международная научная конференция: «Научно-методическая сессия ученых - международных исследователей и экспертов». На этой конференции состоялась также открытая публичная лекция выдающегося советского и российского ученого математика и общественного деятеля, научного руководителя Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН академика РАН Роберта Искандеровича Нигматулина

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16 November 2016 The delegation of Moscow State Pedagogical University visited Budapest. Where the members of this delegation took part in realization of European grant program Erasmus+ Jean Monnet.

This visit is included in huge program of cultural, educational and scientific-research affairs which are scheduled during 2016-2017 under two projects of Erasmus+ “Enlargement Laboratory: EU Values and their Effects on New Member States in the Research and Innovation Sector” and “Visualizing the European Ideas: Interactive Teaching Methodology for Secondary and Vocational Schools”.

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02 July 2015 The seminar "Turkic corpus linguistics and computer lexicography"

The academic talk and seminar, delivered by PhD in Philology, Associate Professor in Crimean-Tatar Linguistics SELENDILI LEMARA, is to be held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS).

Администратор 1103 0
01 July 2015 The academic talk and seminar "Deleuze and Russian cinema"

The academic talk and seminar, delivered by Dr. Sergey Toimentsev, is to be held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS)

Администратор 1053 0
10 June 2015 Seminar "Literary Education in the 21st Century"

The academic talk and seminar, delivered by Doctor of Philology, Professor in the XX century Russian Literature B.A. Lanin, is held as part of the international scientific program of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS).

Администратор 1086 0
03 June 2015 Seminar by professor Radina N.K.

June 4, at 14:00 the academic talk and seminar delivered by prof. Radina N.K is to be held as part of the international scientific programme of Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS) Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

Администратор 1016 0

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