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Apply forFellowship


The Russian Institute for Advanced Study (RIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 3, 6 and 8-month stay in RIAS-MSPU (Moscow, Russia). The Institute for Advanced Study supports the determined, self-directed work of the researchers from all over the world. The fellows working in international multidisciplinary scientific community get a unique opportunity for advanced study in the finest research conditions in a comfortable RIAS campus. The scholars also benefit from all the MSPU facilities, one of the biggest Russian pedagogical universities, including the best Russian libraries in the field of humanities, opportunity of collaboration with wide range of the Russian scientists from different Russian scientific institutions.

RIAS Fellowships are offered mainly in the fields of the humanities and social sciences. At the same time these grants may be provided to the scholars in life and exact sciences if only their research project does not require special laboratory facilities and that it interfaces with the humanities and social sciences. The Programme welcomes applications worldwide from young scholars (postdoc) as well as from leading senior researchers. In order to match the Programme standards, we recommend the applicants to submit a research proposal which demonstrates a multidisciplinary scientific approach and publications potential in high-impact scientific magazines.

For the 2018 academic year most preferable applications will be selected from the following scientific areas:

  • Interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences and humanities, including institutional analysis, political and economic research, research on processes of creation of personal and group identity, social communications research, integrated political, legislative, social, economic and historical research; Russian education system, social security in constitutional state; self-determination and socialization of persons with mental retardation;
  • Social computing research and other fields in synthesis of social humanities and computing sciences (high-tech social network research, cyber-psychology, cyber-policy, computing linguistics, pattern recognition, artificial intellect, informational technologies in education, informational systems for management, new media and new media environment);
  • Cognitive and neuro sciences, experimental psychology:fundamental and applied topics;
  • Research and developments in various fields of humanitarian technologies and social ingineering (applications of social, humanitarian and related knowledge), including political technologies, technologies for state, municipal and corporate management, technologies in marketing, advertising and public relations; creative technologies; inclusive educational process, forecasting technologies, technologies of social, organizational and institutional design, pedagogical technologies, including psychological and pedagogical features of training and socialization of the digital generation, etc.;
  • Research in the field of the synthesis of humanities and life sciences, including ethology research, biopsychology, studies of influence of genetic and other biological factors on person’s individual features and social behavior;
  • Mathematical modelingof social, political, economic, neuro-psychological, ecological and other complex systems and processes; construction of social ideas about persons with disabilities;
  • Environmental research: environmental monitoring, energy efficiency and conservation, maintenance of ecological safety for the urbanized territories, human ecology, research of influence of hi-tech factors and environments on the person under conditions of the big and small cities, etc.);
  • Linguistic research, including social linguistics, computional linguistics, neurolinguistics, psychological linguistics, cognitive linguistics, etc.
  • Research in the field of synthesis of arts and cultural sciences, including research in the field of creative industries, design; theory, sociology and history of culture, art and cultural studies.


The RIAS International Fellowship Programme welcomes applications worldwide from young and senior researchers having academic degree (Candidate of Science/Doctor of Science; for foreign аpplicants: PhD), as well as the publications in journals indexed by WEB of SCIENCE and / or SCOPUS data bases.
Fellows will have a unique opportunity to implement their research project, being a part of an international team, and working in a multidisciplinary academic community. RIAS provides all the necessary conditions for research, information and library support, opportunities for publications, as well as assistance in obtaining patents and inventions licenses.

The working languages of the Programme: Russian and English 

In 2018 duration of the Programme:

  • 8 months:     April 15, 2018 – December 15, 2018

  • 6 months:     April 15, 2018 - October 15, 2018
  • 3 months:     April 15, 2018 – July 15, 2018 

The research grant includes:

  • Travel expenses: tickets at the beginning and at the end of the programme (bus, rail or air flight, economy class);
  • Accommodation in an individual comfortable room of the university’s guesthouse located in close Moscow suburb;
  • 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in the guesthouse;
  • Visa support and invitation letter for foreign researchers;
  • Standard medical insurance;
  • Scholarship for the period of stay in RIAS:
    -    Russian participants: 74, 712 Russian rubles per month (minus 13% personal tax deductions)
    -    Foreign participants: 92, 857 Russian rubles per month (minus 30% personal tax deductions)

Requirements for participants during the Programme:

  • Preparation of publications in journals WEB of SCIENCE and / or SCOPUS (2 articles every 3 months);
  • Participation in the interdisciplinary monthly seminars of the RIAS International Grant Programme; delivering at least one lecture in the framework of seminars;
  • Participation in the education and research programmes of MSPU according to an individual plan which may include:
    -    Teaching a short course for MSPU students (for the participants of the 6- and 8-month programme)
    -    Delivering public lectures on the project topic (for the participants of the 3-month programme)
    -    Development of a research project with the MSPU faculty members
    -    Elaboration of an application for research grants with the MSPU faculty members


Программы повышения квалификации (active)

2019. Call for applications. Конкурс на финансирование научных исследований 2019: MSPU Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities - 2019 (active)

Конкурс на получение индивидуального финансирования на проведение научных исследований на базе Института перспективных исследований МПГУ в 2019 году

2018. Call for applications. Конкурс на финансирование научных исследований 2018: MSPU Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities - 2018 (completed)

Международный конкурс научных грантов на проведение научно-исследовательских работ на базе Института перспективных исследований (ИПИ) на 2018 г.

Call for applicants 2015-2016. Конкурс на финансирование научных исследований 2015-2016: Russian Postdoctoral Fellowships in Humanities (completed)

Уважаемые коллеги! Завершен прием работ на конкурс на выделение грантов для проведения научно-исследовательских работ на базе Института перспективных исследований и технологий МГГУ им. М.А.Шолохова 2015-2016 гг. Результаты конкурса будут объявлены после 30 июля 2015 года.

Call for applications 2014-2015. Дополнительный конкурс на выделение грантов для проведения научно-исследовательских работ 2014-2015 гг. (completed)

Call for applications 2014-2015. Конкурс на выделение грантов для проведения научно-исследовательских работ 2014-2015 гг. (completed)

Уважаемые коллеги! 13 марта 2014 года объявлен новый конкурс на выделение грантов для проведения научно-исследовательских работ на базе Института перспективных исследований и технологий МГГУ им. М.А.Шолохова 2014-2015 гг.
Dear colleagues! New contest for grants to conduct scientific-research works for up to 10 months on the basis of the Institute for advanced studies in Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities is announced.

Конкурс внутриуниверситетских научных грантов для профессорско-преподавательского состава МГГУ им.М.А. Шолохова (completed)

Конкурс на гранты до 10 месяцев (completed)

Конкурс 2013 3 месяца (completed)

Конкурс 2012 для молодых ученых (completed)

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