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Apply forFellowship


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First name *
Surname *
Common name  
Sex * male     female
Date of birth *
Place of birth  
Nationality(ies) precise if double nationality *
Professional e-mail address *
Personal e-mail address  
Recommended e-mail address for the correspondence with IAS  
Personal website/webpage If any  
Professional phone number *
Personal phone number  
Recommended number for the correspondence with RIAS  *
Professional mailing address *
Personal mailing address  
Recommended address for the correspondence with RIAS *
University, company, scientific institution *
Current professional position and academic title(s) *
Occupied since...  
Main previous positions (up to 3)  
Discipline *
Year of obtention of Phd *
Language skills *
Period required to stay in RIAS  
How have you heard about RIAS?  
Have you previously been a member of an IAS? Please precise when and where  
Do you have an ongoing application in another IAS? If yes, which one? For what period?  
Major publications in the last 5 years. Specify when and where published *

Publication № 1



Journal title and number, date of publication:

Journal impact factors:

The journal is included into the:
 Scopus     Web of science     RISC   
What motivated you to apply for a research fellowship at the RIAS? How does this project fit into your previous researches? What  
How do you think you might benefit from the exchanges with the other fellows?  
Biography *
* Required fields

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