Main > People > Researchers > Viola Marco
Viola Marco
During my bachelor in philosophy (in Turin) I mainly dealt with analytic metaphysics and cognitive science, assessing the pros and the cons of naturalizing some traditional metaphysical topics. During my master (in Turin; visiting in Louvain-la-Neuve) I rather focused on epistemological issues, particularly concerning the foundations of cognitive neuroscience.
During my PhD (IUSS Pavia & San Raffaele; visiting in Sydney) I carried out a philosophical analysis of methodological and ontological issues implied in the practices of cognitive neuroscientists – often in collaboration with them. In particular, I addressed the relation between psychological and neural kinds, developing two case studies: (1) Broca’s Area, a neural structure that was traditionally conceived as supporting the production of language, but whose function is recently much more debated; (2) the emotion, and especially the so-called Basic Emotions, whose status is also debated.
I am also interested in the social organization of science, and I have some organizational and teaching experience.
Since I begun my PhD, I delivered more or less 40 speeches, including presentation at conferences, seminars, and lessons, either in Italian and in English. In Italy, my paper on Broca's Area (with my co-author and fellow PhD student Elia Zanin) made me win the 2016 scientific prize of the Italian Society for Cognitive Science.
I also have experience as a thesis co-supervisor for BA and MA students.
I organized some conferences and currently I am the co-organizer of Neural Mechanisms Online, the first webinar of philosophy of neuroscience, involving great spekaers from many countries (see
№ | Title | Year | Journal name and number, publication date | Impact factor of the journal | Journal is included in |
1 | The standard ontological framework of cognitive neuroscience: Some lessons from Broca’s area (as first author) | 2017 | Philosophical Psychology, 30(7),11 May 2017 (online) | Philosophical Psychology, 30(7),11 May 2017 (online) | Scopus |
2 | Commentary: Constructing nonhuman animal emotion | 2017 | Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 28 November 2017 | Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 28 November 2017 | Scopus |
3 | Basic Emotions in Human Neuroscience: Neuroimaging and Beyond (as co-author) | 2017 | Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 24 August 2017 | Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 24 August 2017 | Scopus |
4 | Broca's area: An (un) natural kind? (as co-author) | 2016 | Sistemi intelligenti, 28(2-3), December 2016 | Sistemi intelligenti, 28(2-3), December 2016 | Scopus |
5 | Which map for the emotional domain? (as co-author) | 2017 | Sistemi intelligenti, 29(1), April 2017 | Sistemi intelligenti, 29(1), April 2017 | Scopus |
6 | L’agenda ontologica della neuroscienza cognitiva: le neuroscienze come “arbitro” delle categorie psicologiche | 2016 | Rivista internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 7(2), August 2016 | Rivista internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 7(2), August 2016 | |
7 | Carving Mind at Brain’s Joints. The Debate on Cognitive Ontology | 2017 | Phenomenology and Mind, (12), September 2017 | Phenomenology and Mind, (12), September 2017 | |
8 | Some remarks on the division of cognitive labor | 2015 | Roars Transactions. A Journal on Research Policy and Evaluation, 3(1) | Roars Transactions. A Journal on Research Policy and Evaluation, 3(1) |