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Interdisciplinary Seminar "Enslavement of the Law by the Number"
26 May 2015
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May 26, 2015 at 14.00 pm in Sholokhov University ("Taganka" campus) there was held a lecture "Enslavement of the Law by the Number: from the State Planning Commission to the global market" by Dr. Alain Supio, head of the department "Social State and Globalization: the legal analysis of solidarity," Professor of one of the leading universities in France "College de France" in Paris.
The lecture was delivered in the framework of the interdisciplinary seminar of the Russian Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Technology (RIAS) Sholokhov University, and was moderated by Professor R.I. Zhdanov, a chief RIAS researcher. The lecture was delivered in French, and interpreted into Russian by Sholokhov University graduate students A. Polyakova and D. Starovoitova. The visit of Mr. Supio to Russia took place under the auspices of the Franco-Russian Center for Research and the French Embassy in Moscow.
Professor A. Supio noted that one of the main features that communism and capitalism had in common, is the concept of the calculation as a key to social harmony. However, unlike the planned economy of the USSR, the right classical liberalism considers the law and the state as the terms of harmony which can be reached by a calculation, rather than the tools. The communist regime tried to build harmony by economic calculation, a regulatory instrument of which was the plan. At the same time, the founders of liberalism believed that bringing the numbers in accordance with individual interests had principle of law (rule of law) as a preliminary condition, which would guarantee the position and freedom of an individual, would protect the property and would force to comply with the agreement. The lecturer reminded that an English philosopher and economist Bernard de Mandeville spoke about the need of law ruling to ensure the transformation of the individual defects into social welfare. At the end of his work "The Fable of Bees," he noted that the vice is useful when it is limited by the justice. In other words, classical liberalism is subject to the rule of law. If we want to understand what combines ultra-liberalism and communist utopia we must remember that the rule of law was replaced by the planned economics in the Soviet Union.
Both in the Communist and ultra-right ideologies, the Law is enslaved by benefits calculating. Only the methods of enslavement are different. While the ultra-liberalism used the transition to a contractual relationship, the communism relied on the plan. The State Planning Commission was in charge of it, which was part of the scientific and technical structure. The desire to build an economic order on the scientific basis rather than on politics is another feature that ultra-liberalism and communism have in common. Professor Supio answered numerous questions from the audience: the university staff and students (his lecture was attended by 65 people).